What Is A 'Birth Plan' Anyway?
Now that being pregnant has set in. What’s next? The list seems never ending. But now is the time to educate yourself on how you want your birth to be and what to expect during this transition.
Creating a birth plan is a great way for you to have a voice when you are in labor and can inform your support team what you consent to and don't. Start by thinking about ALDF:
Atmosphere, Labor, Delivery and Feeding.
Atmosphere- What comforts you? Positions, low lightening, scents, music etc.
Labor- How do you want to labor? What about pain management and when to intervene. Do you want to walk around, use birthing tools such as the ball, peanut ball, stool or chair. Maybe a shower or bath.
Delivery- Once baby is Earth side. Do you want baby placed on you, do you want your support to cut umbilical cord.
Feeding- Do you plan to breastfeed or bottle-feed? Maybe a combination of both.
Unless you have a scheduled C-Section there is not a guarantee on what type of birth you will have. So you have to also think about what that means. Who will take the lead on making decisions if you cannot. And if you do need an emergency C-Section you can request a gentle C-Section.
Keep in mind that there is no right way to create a birth plan and allow room for flexibility. So don’t stress out; keep it short and simple.